What should you do if you are charged with assault and battery in Los Angeles? This crime can land you in jail or prison for an extended period of time, depending upon the degree of injury of the person alleged to be the victim of the assault. The most crucial thing to know is that you must contact an experienced lawyer as soon as possible after you are arrested.
Defending these cases often requires interviewing witnesses that could assist in your defense, and they can get harder to find as time passes. At the California Justice Law Group, the legal team has assisted countless individuals over the years with such charges and is very skilled in the area of how to defend in such a case.
Understanding Assault
Assault is defined in the California Penal Code as: "an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another." Notice that you don't actually have to have hurt the other person to be charged with assault. This can make for a very complex legal situation. One individual claims you threatened them with harm, and you had the ability to commit the violent injury.
You will now have to face the legal problem of being charged with assault. You could have been responding to their actions (defense) or the incident may not have occurred at all. Nonetheless, you are facing legal problems. With the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer from the California Justice Law Group, the legal problem can be brought to resolution with every legal action possible to aggressively defend you.
Cases of Battery
Battery is defined in the California Penal Code as: "any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another." When a person is injured in a fight or other violent incident, the charge is often "Assault & Battery". These crimes bring penalties that include fines and often a year in prison, or longer if the injuries are serious. Never proceed without a skilled criminal defense lawyer if you have been charged with assault, battery, or assault & battery.
You may find yourself spending time in jail and the repercussions on your life can be extremely serious. With the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer from the California Justice Law Group, you increase the possibility of a better outcome in your case. The legal team is prepared to fight aggressively to defend you in court.