Charged with Disorderly Conduct
When law enforcement officers find a person who they consider is being disruptive, noisy, openly aggressive, intoxicated or displaying conduct that is considered to be detrimental, they could arrest and charge you with disorderly conduct.  This law is used as a "catch-all" for law enforcement and could be used to arrest a person who is panhandling or loitering, or engaging in activities that the police determine are illegal such as prostitution or public lewdness.  If you or a loved one has been charged with this misdemeanor, it is important that you get legal representation from a Los Angeles disorderly conduct defense lawyer at once.  A conviction for this offense will show on your criminal record and can affect you in the future if you are arrested for some other offense, or when seeking a job.
Disorderly Conduct Defense Lawyer
There are a variety of actions that could result in a charge of disorderly conduct, including the following:
Loitering outside public restrooms
Peeking through windows or with electronic means (cameras, etc.)
Publicly displayed lewd activities such as grabbing one's genitals or breasts in public
Public drunkenness
The penalties for disorderly conduct can include up to 180 days in jail and a fine.  If you or a loved one has been charged with this offense, a criminal defense lawyer form the California Justice Law Group can assist you in the defense of your case, and will aggressively attempt to have the charges dropped or reduced.  In many cases the evidence is based upon the word of a law enforcement officer and can be challenged in court by a skilled attorney familiar with how these charges come about.  
Just because you are arrested for a charge does not mean that you must be found guilty of the charge.  The legal team at the California Justice Law Group has countless cases on the books in which such charges were completely dismissed when defense actions are taken on behalf of the client.