Are you charged with a Probation Violation?
Probation violations are an extremely common charge in the Los Angeles area.  These violations can occur due to an error by the Probation Officer's office, such as when an individual cannot make an appointment due to illness, calls the office and the message doesn't get through.  It is also common when a certificate for a mandated treatment program fails to reach the probation officer who will immediately file a probation violation.  These issues can create a terrible problem for the individual involved, as when they are "picked up" they go directly to jail.  This could be while they are at work, or at home, or driving in the area.  If you have been charged with a probation violation, it is crucial that you get legal assistance from a Los Angeles probation violations defense lawyer.  With the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer from the California Justice Law Group the probation violation matter can be resolved as quickly as possible.
Probation Violations Defense Lawyer
When a judge reviews a violation of probation, there are various factors that make a difference on how the case is handled.  These include the degree of the violation - how severe.  For example, if a convicted felon is found with a firearm, this will be considered a very serious violation of probation and could result in your probation being revoked, and the sentence reinstated or even extended.  If it is for a minor infraction, such as failing to pay mandated restitution, there are more possibilities for a fast and simple handling for the problem.  In either case, it is necessary to have a skilled criminal defense lawyer from the California Justice Law Group assist you in solving this difficult problem.  The attorney will deal with the problem as quickly as can be achieved, depending upon the circumstances of the violation.  Getting you out of jail and back to work and to your life will be the main concern of the lawyer assisting you from the firm.